How to run a shell script without changing file access permission
Q. I know chmod command needs to apply to each shell script to make it executable. I’m wondering is if there’s a way to run a shell script without changing file access permission.
A. You can simply use following format
shellname {/path/to/scriptname}
. {/path/to/scriptname}For example if a shell name is bash and a script name is chkhealth.bash, enter
$ bash chkhealth.bash
$ . chkhealth.bash
Note: dot (,) read and execute commands from given FILENAME and return control to shell.
Other shell examples:
$ ksh /path/to/script.ksh
$ csh /path/to/script.csh
So it is more convenient to invoke the shell with the script as argument. However, I recommend to use chmod command for regular usage:
$ chmod +x $ ./